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This adorable ceramic heart hanger features a sweet image of a Robin, making it a charming addition to any homeware collection. The loving message "Thank you for always being there for me" adds a heartfelt touch, making it a thoughtful gift for someone special. Hang it in a prominent place to show appreciation and gratitude for a loved one, or give it as a meaningful token of thanks. Its delicate design and meaningful message make it a lovely addition to any home, adding a touch of love and appreciation to any space. Surprise someone with this Forget Me Not Thank You Ceramic Hanger and let them know how much they mean to you.

Robin Forget Me Not Thank You Ceramic Hanger

Sulla base di 1 recensione, la valutazione è 5.0 su cinque stelle
£9,95 Prezzo regolare
£8.46Prezzo scontato

Early May Discount Offer

Ne restano solo: 8
  • Size 15x15x0.7cm



Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.
Sulla base di 1 recensione
1 recensione

  • Marie Lambert04 mag
    Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.
    Makes a great gift

    I’ve purchased two given as gifts quality great love Mr Lumpy items

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